On the Addressability Problem on CSS Codes.Jérôme Guyot and Samuel Jaques. Preprint only.
Memory adds no cost to lattice sieving for computers in 3 or more spatial dimensions.Samuel Jaques. Communications in Cryptology, 2024.
ALLOSAUR: Accumulator with Low-Latency Oblivious Sublinear Anonymous credential Updates with Revocations.Samuel Jaques, Michael Lodder, and Hart Montgomery. In AsiaCCS 2024.
QRAM: A survey and critique.Samuel Jaques and Arthur G. Rattew. Preprint only.
Quantum Period Finding against Symmetric Primitives in PracticeXavier Bonnetain and Samuel Jaques. In TCHES 2022.
Leveraging state sparsity for more efficient quantum simulationsSamuel Jaques and Thomas Häner. ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing.
The SQALE of CSIDH: Square-root vélu Quantum-resistant isogeny Action with Low ExponentsJorge Chávez-Saab, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Samuel Jaques, and Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering.
Time-release Cryptography from Minimal Circuit AssumptionsSamuel Jaques, Hart Montgomery, Arnab Roy, and Razvan Rosie. Indocrypt 2021.
Offloading Quantum Computation by Superposition MaskingSamuel Jaques and Craig Gidney. Preprint only.
Low-gate quantum golden collision findingSamuel Jaques and André Schrottenloher. SAC 2020.
Improved Quantum Circuits for Elliptic Curve Discrete LogarithmsThomas Häner, Samuel Jaques, Michael Naehrig, Martin Roetteler, and Mathias Soeken. PQCrypto 2020.
Implementing Grover oracles for quantum key search on AES and LowMCSamuel Jaques, Michael Naehrig, Martin Roetteler, and Fernando Virdia. Eurocrypt 2020.
Quantum Cost Models for Cryptanalysis of IsogeniesMaster's thesis at the University of Waterloo.
Quantum cryptanalysis in the RAM model: Claw-finding attacks on SIKESamuel Jaques and John M. Schanck. Crypto 2019. Won "Best Young Researcher Paper".
Eventually Entanglement Breaking MapsMizanur Rahaman, Samuel Jaques, and Vern Paulsen. Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 062201. (Preprint)
Spectral Properties of Tensor Products of ChannelsSamuel Jaques and Mizanur Rahaman. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 465(2) (Preprint)
Fidelity of Density Operators in an Operator-Algebraic FrameworkDouglas Farenick, Samuel Jaques, and Mizanur Rahaman. Journal of Mathematical Physics 57, 102202. (Preprint)
Talk at CHES 2024.
The Landscape of Quantum Computing TodayTalk for Visa Quantum Day 2024.
Efficienct Anonymous Updatable CredentialsTalk at the Hyperledger Global Forum 2022.
Time-release Cryptography from Minimal Circuit AssumptionsVirtual talk at Indocrypt 2021.
Quantum Claw-finding AlgorithmsOnline lecture for the Isogeny-based Cryptography School.
How long can we safely use pre-quantum crypto?Panelist at ECC Workshop 2020.
Improved Quantum Circuits for Elliptic Curve Discrete LogarithmsVirtual talk at PQCrypto 2020.
Quantum cryptanalysis in the RAM model: Claw-finding attacks on SIKETalk at Crypto 2019. Slides.